Thursday, January 08, 2009

the sound that wonder makes

Casually, near the end of our appointment today, our midwife said "We might be able to hear the baby's heartbeat, if you're interested." spook and I were both like "Uh, yes." So I laid back on the sofa in her practice room and pulled my shirt up. "We might not be able to hear it, so I'm sorry if this takes forever." She put goo on the end of the doppler rod and placed it much lower than I would have guessed, over to the side toward my hipbones and then working toward the middle. There was a weird, echoey thup noise. "That's your heartbeat." she said. "That's the kind of sound we're listening for, but faster. Oh! There it is!" And there it was.

A tiny thupthupthupthupthupthupthup, like something small beating its wings.


Unknown said...

Heee - I remember that sound. Ours was at the end of an appointment too. We heard it and then walked out and sat in a park near Women's College and watched the birds playing with each other - sparrows in fact, I think. It was, possibly, the most profound moment of my life.

Adam said...

Gotta love that 185 bpm white noise whoosh. M took Lu to her last OB appointment, wish I could've seen the look on Lu's face when they checked the baby's heart.