Thursday, January 13, 2005

there's not enough coffee in the world to turn me into a reasonable human being

That said, this post is brought to you by caffeine--caffeine, the gift that keeps on giving. Do you know it's got a half-life of something like ten hours? In my new "Go to work at 6:30, yes, a.m." lifestyle, that's important information.

So, a Christian rock band from Texas wants to cover one of Under the Attic's old songs. How cool is that? How did a band from Texas even hear our song, much less get really fond of it? I got email from Adam who got email from a friend-or-colleague because someone in the band had written him (the friend) asking if he knew how to get hold of Adam. (Following this so far?) He (the friend again) had no idea who this guy (the Texas-band-member) was, or how he'd gotten that email address...
So it's all rather bizarre.

I wonder if it's weird that my first thought is about whether or not I would like them--the people, not their music. I could live with people doing a musically uninteresting cover of my song. I just don't like the idea of people who, say, use their stage time to talk about how God disapproves of queers covering my song. (Sorry, Christians, I swear I don't blame all of you for some of you, but the some make me want to scream.) I wonder if they're gonna have the guy sing it. I wonder why a band from Texas wants to cover a song about a bus ride across Canada, although I suppose the only specifically Canadian reference in it is a mention of Alberta, the Texas of the north.

What should I do, guys?


Adam said...

I think I've pretty much worked out the how. Under the Attic jumped on the bandwagon within the site's first year. And way back in the '90s they were the website for listening to new bands, and eventually popular ones. So by the time they shutdown, UA had received over 1800 unique listens (if memory serves me). So that's how they heard the tune (greyhound was posted along with anecdote and maybe...or was it breathless- crap the entire album may have been up there...). I dimly recognized the email addie, so I think dude sent fanmail back in the day, but my email records don't go far that back. They prolly tracked me down by googling my name - the 3rd hit for my name is a link New Music Canada's Garden's Faithful page. They then contacted Mike from TGF (his email is the one listed at the site). Mystery solved. Sort of. As for what you should do - one of us could email them and tell them who we are and that we don't want our music represented by people who aren't queer-positive.

'col said...

oh, fine, confuse the issue with your "logic"...