Sunday, February 01, 2009

kooky adaptation? or kookiest adaptation?

So...assuming that you don't live under a rock, you may have heard about the book He's Just Not That Into You. Working in a bookstore, it was impossible to avoid. The authors made multiple appearances on Oprah. People swarmed the store. After much, much head-shaking, I caved and read it.

And you know what? It was pretty good. I was expecting to find it condescending and awful, poking fun at women for the bad behavior of men, and in fact the whole thing reads like this: "You are an awesome lady. This thing that your crush is doing? This is an asshole thing. Do not waste any more of your awesome lady time on this asshole. Out there is someone who wants to treat you like the queen that you are. I hear that you like this guy and would like to make excuses for his assholery, but seriously, best case scenario, what's that going to get you? A half-hearted relationship with an asshole. Run, don't walk." Um. Loosely paraphrasing.

I would like to go back in time and give my 17-year-old self a copy of this book. Hell, I would recommend this book to women my own age now. And while I think it's depressing that there are so many women who have lowered their expectations into nothingness that this book could become a runaway best-seller, I think it's maybe heartening that it did.

All that said, I have vocally expressed the opinion that a self-help book is not a good basis for a feature film, even though a large number of people with enough money to make it happen disagree. But I may be proven wrong yet again, if this is anything to go by:

1 comment:

aandjblog said...

I know one person in particular that needs to read this book, she seems to not quite understand that if he's living half way across the world and doesn't email back after a meeting up.. he's just not that into you.

I find that this book gives partical advice. Stuff that we should have all adapted growing up. I think it would have saved us a few heartbreaks.