Wednesday, January 28, 2009

mama said knock you out

The maternity shop--the same shop where a scarily enthusiastic woman told me three weeks ago "Come back when you grow out of your bra! Don't just buy a size bigger! We'll help you find one that you'll get more use of out!"--does not carry a bra in the size that I am. Does not carry one. At all.

I am told by one of my similarly-built friends that I can look forward to continuing this fun trend when I need to buy nursing bras, which also may not exist in my size.

A trip to a regular-old bra retailer did not turn up anything that was going to remotely work either, although they did have a range of sizes, one of which you would think would have to fit me, but no. I am a freak of nature, and nothing fits.

I suppose I will continue to wear uncomfortable and ill-fitting bras, while ever increasing numbers of my co-workers point out my ever-increasing rack.



Anonymous said...

Wait, so it's ok if I point it out to you all the time?

Steve Gold said...
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'col said...

Seb: in a word? No.

Regarding comments on my blog in general, since I have deleted one on this thread, and will no doubt delete others in the future:

The beautiful (and hell, sometimes not so beautiful) thing about the internet, is that in my blog, I can choose to write about whatever I want to. You have a corresponding choice about whether or not you want to read it.

Disagreement? Discussion? I'll usually take that on, or at least happily let it sit. But any comments which amount to either name-calling or demanding that I write about something that is important to you, the nation, world peace, etc. will be summarily deleted, because I am not Dooce, and I have no time for your bullshit.

Just so we're clear.

Adam said...

Yeah, to quote another song - "B-b-b-baby, you ain't seen nothing yet." For full blown anime proportional ridiculousness, wait till about 4-6 months after giving birth. I think a combination of breastfeeding and a quick metabolism was key to SC's sudden page-from-a-9th-grade-boy's-binder physique, but I don't really know.

Less in the smug bastard dept. and more with the helping these folks

apparently carry nursing bras up to size 48M. Which you can totally wear now. I think. I mean, its not like they come with straws...

Adam said...

that is to say, I'm sure you can wear a nursing bra now. I'm guessing a 48 M would be way too big.

Steve Gold said...

Your bullshit detector is malfunctioning.

Anonymous said...

Wait, what got deleted?