Saturday, July 21, 2007

potter party and one picture that will horrify Jennifer

On the eve of the release of the final book in the Harry Potter series, how could we do less? So here's our Harry:

and his archnemesis (children fled before Lord Voldemort...except for two girls who poked him in the face, declared "You have no powers!" and then decided that they could defeat him with teen magazines)

Professor Trelawny

who apparently saw a dark portent in the tea


Professor McGonnagle

The Fat Lady from the Gryffindor common room portrait

The Fat Lady and Moaning Myrtle

Beauxbatons chicks dig Quidditch players. It's true.

aaaaand, me with my new boyfriend Merlin. Oh my god, I love Merlin so much. I missed him all day today. I now want a snake, which is not an experience I ever expected to have. Too bad I don't have a picture of spook with the tarantula...


Boethius said...

Damn, I should have come as a Dementor and eaten people's happiness. Funny story about snakes...I once knew a kid who used to jump into bushes and catch garter snakes, then tie a rope around their neck and walk them like dogs...he had snakebites all over his hands...creepy kid for sure.

Jennifer said...

If you ever, ever get a snake as a pet, I will never be able to visit you EVER. I'm just sayin...

'col said...

I know...and I think snakes and cats are incompatible. So you're safe, or I am, or something. He was so sweet though...

Now the millipede. The millipede gave me horrors.