Wednesday, July 18, 2007

happy anniversary

Sometimes, in order to get my attention, the universe has to be a bit unsubtle. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that my marriage started with a fortune cookie.

"Stop searching everywhere" it read, "happiness is just next to you."

I looked up at spook, who was at that point not yet my partner, and thought "uh oh."


For the last couple of years, I've been wearing my mom's wedding ring, because at the time of our barbecue, rings were at the bottom of our financial priorities. I was pretty surprised when spook pulled this out at dinner last night. Finally I too can squee over my ring! Eeeee!

Ahem. Well, that's that then.


Boethius said...

All I can say is that that is sweet as hell...the whole thing, from the fortune cookie to the ring. Congrats!

Unknown said...

I feel a little creepy reading yer blog when I don't have one myself, but I just had to tell you how utterly sweet and heartwarming and great that it. Also, I am very excited that you guys have a house! Also, I MISS YOU. xxx Claire (the Scot)

Unknown said...

utterly sweet, and heartwarming and great that iS. Also, !!!!! :) :) and xxxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

i'm a bit late to comment... but alex got the EXACT same fortune cookie fortune when we first met! we have it framed in our bedroom.