Sunday, July 22, 2007

NO SPOILERS, I promise

Just finished the last Harry Potter book. I liked it. Please don't post spoilers in the comments here, either, out of courtesy to the folks who haven't finished reading.

I feel strangely listless now. Dunno why exactly. I think some of it is the experience of knowing something is truly over. Don't get me wrong--I like it when creative endeavours have an ending. Otherwise they tend to just blunder on until they're crushed under their own weight (see, for example, the books of Laurell K. Hamilton, the poor thing). I'm glad that J.K. Rowling decided that she would write seven books and wrote seven books. It's just that I keep having great ideas for my next HP costume and then remembering that there won't be another launch party because there won't be another book. I remember feeling sort of the same when Buffy the Vampire Slayer went off the air, because even though I felt the show was floundering, I'd been watching those characters for a long time and I cared about them. I also missed the experience of watching with my friends. It's fun to have some common culture stuff to bat around.

I suppose I should now turn my attention to the slightly more pressing matter of packing everything in my apartment. Sigh.


Boethius said...

Wow, speed reader there eh?

'col said...

yep. always have been. it largely has to do with disappearing completely into the book so that getting my attention becomes virtually impossible without shaking me. 'course that gives people the excuse to shake me, which you've gotta know they want to do.

Boethius said...

Yeah, shaking you would be fun, I'm gonna try it next time I see you.

'col said...


Anonymous said...

Now I want to watch tv with you.