Thursday, June 07, 2007

calm down, I'm calling you to say/ I'm capsized staring on the edge of safe

A few months ago, spook accidentally bought a button for the store that read "stop saying emo!" If only it had read "stop feeling emo!" I would be wearing it all the time right now.

On the other hand, I got an invite to a baby shower for which I need to dig up an eyepatch and practice saying "Arrr!" because I am definitely playing for team Pirate. Team Ninja can do without me.

I'm hoping that now that I'm getting the medication situation straightened out I will stop having such trouble with my asthma, and that will make me a happier girl--then all I have to worry about are the contents of my very own brain, and I've been wrangling that a little longer, so I oughta be okay.

1 comment:

Boethius said...

Yeah, asthma is a jerk...seriously, taking the Flovent once or twice a day and using the Albuterol only as a rescue inhaler is what my team of asthma doctors at Sick Kids tells me to do, so if it works for me (with my 1.5 lungs and permanently scarred bronchal tubes) then I think it'll do you some good. And if it doesn't, just come over and use my machine, that's always fun LOL!