Thursday, June 23, 2005

yesterday's news

So, I switched my cats' litter. Oh, I know, you're supposed to do this gradually, but they've never complained about anything before. (Well, except when Tish got into the sink on her first day here and decided that the apartment made her wet! and she was never going to like it. She got over it.) Figured we'd try this recycled newsprint stuff I've heard good things about; it's dust-free, which means I can change the litter box without coughing or wheezing, and it's harder to track all over the apartment. Ahem.
So far, Schrody is mostly sitting next to it and yelling.
All attempts at reasoning and ignoring his pleas have failed.
I may have to go out and buy some clay litter, or risk cat pee in unpleasant places.


Anonymous said...

Jingles doesn't care so much about what kind of litter it is, just that it has to be pristine. I can tell that it's time to scoop the litter because he will start running around the apartment like a mad fiend and then halt in the hallway and start to cry. It was amusing the first time but then when he does it in the middle of the night it is less so.

Adam said...

there is never any changing for this template because it uses .gifs for the border that include the background colour.

And yes - crying in middle of the night = much less so.