Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I miss my dignity

This was the main thought going through my head when I was struck with a terrible foot cramp at work while multiple onlookers got to witness me going "Ow ow ow ow I'm fine it's just a cramp ow I know what to do about leg cramps but ow ow ow--oh. That's working. Okay."


Miss Julia J said...

Dig-ni-ty? What is this "dignity" you speak of?
Wait... distant memories... yes, there it is... it's coming back... no... no, it's gone. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Is it something having to do with Milo's newfound ability and therefore favourite past time of screeching like some sort of adorable baby banshee in public places? (the echo-y the better!)
Is this dignity? No, I think it is something that slips away when you finally hit a day when you spend more time peeing than you do not peeing. ;P Pregnancy and motherhood are so glamorous, daaaaaahling.

Can't wait to do it all over again!!

'col said...


The glamor is my main motivation for having a kid, don'tcha know?