Today, a day that included both slamming my hand into the corner of a table hard enough to leave visible bruising and falling off a ladder, was the best day of my week. This is, in part, due to Greg's motivational speaking skills--apparently I just needed someone to tell me "You will have a good day tomorrow" in a confident manner. I did not finish all the things that needed to be finished, largely because finishing them would have defied all laws of nature, but I did knock out a few things that had been bothering me. There was a terrible Oh Hell No moment, but Mathabo swooped in and rescued me. I think the rest of my calm came from knowing that no matter what I did or didn't accomplish, my workday would be over at two, and I would get to go home to my snuggly sheets and my room-mate and my boy and my cats.
My cats who are very busy auditioning for a buddy cop movie. Tish is the hardbitten veteran who doesn't want a new partner, dammit, Max is her fresh-faced rookie sidekick and Roo is...maybe the dispatcher. Or that woman in the office who hands them the right file at the critical moment. In support of this theory, Roo has been trying to operate the remote control, walking over it to change the channel to "Lethal Weapon" while Elizabeth was trying to watch "Jon and Kate Plus 8."
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Healthy Attitude To Work Stress Alert!!!!
Well done.
PS Hope we can hang out soon. Now that you're de-lurgified.
Hang on, that should read: "Healthy-Attitude-To-Work-Stress Alert!"
I love your story about the cats. I can almost imagine it really happening.
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