Tuesday, September 09, 2008

not a fan

Operation Pave the World continues apace on my block. I hadn't noticed it so much until Paul and Sarah came over, and Sarah said "What is up with your street? I've never seen so much front-yard parking in my life!" And I had to admit that indeed, there was a lot of front-yard parking. Now I can't stop noticing. Up the street one way, three houses got together and covered their entire fronts with asphalt. Yesterday it was the house a couple doors up from us.

"I can't even remember," Lizbeth said, "was it--"
"I'm pretty sure it was lawn." Now it is an expanse of shiny blackness. As you all know, I am not a fan of grass, but I am now freaking out about runoff and water pollution. Stop the insanity! Try interlocking pavers or something! Geez!

Also, it smells funny.

Right now I'm listening to one of the guys doing construction next door shouting about how these other guys "don't appreciate him or value his experience!" I'm like, um, I'm sorry they hurt your feelings, but could you not wake up the baby? 'Kay, thanks.


aandjblog said...

don't even get me started on front yard paving. A. and I just bought a house and it came with front yard paving.... It's all good until one of our neighbours have a problem with it. Saying that it distrubs the urban landscape of the streeet and when are cars more important that people! Ugh! I wasn't even us that did that. Now she wants us to park on the street instead in front of our own house because she doesn't agree to front yard parking. Some people!!

'col said...

I am not generally in favour of telling people what to do with their property (hey, I love the crazy wildflower gardens that people are so fond of complaining about), and so I'm sorry that you're having difficulties with your neighbour. However, I can't help but feel that you didn't read this posting very carefully. Either that or you're just totally frustrated and need a place to vent. Either is okay, I guess--but it made me feel a little weird. Just in case there's any lack of clarity, I do not dig the front yard asphalt. Every single thing that leaks out of or off of the cars on that asphalt goes straight into the storm sewer, and straight back into our water supply, which sucks. I don't have any objection to front yard parking, but I think that materials which allow water to be absorbed into the ground to be filtered are a better bet. Eh. Your house came the way it came, and either you'll keep it that way or not--your choice. I am dismayed, however, to see so many of my neighbours making a choice right now to do something that's bad for the water we all share.

Anonymous said...

You know, my brother does interlock if anyone's looking for some.