Wednesday, February 06, 2008

she's crafty and she's just my type

Welcome to newly human's first shameless commercial plug. Looking for a unique gift for your paramour, or perhaps just a bit of wittiness you can stuff into your pocket? Look no further! The lovely and talented Shanghai Cowgirl brings you porn-embroidered hankies:

"Boldax Industries' hankies will be making their debut appearance at Toronto's Erotic Arts Festival Saturday February 9th and 10th, from 12noon until 5pm. The Ax in Boldax will be in attendance all weekend, with an appearance by Mr. Bold and baby Boldax as well."

Right about here is where I wanted to insert a picture of the fabulous hankies in question, up till the moment I realized they a) are NSFW and b) possibly violate blogger's terms of use, what with the porn and all. Also consider option c) that I realized my mom reads this blog and got a little self-conscious. What with the porn and all. So instead I present you with a link:


clicky clicky.

If you do not live in Toronto, Canada you can check out the Boldax Industries etsy site at which will be open for business on February 15th, 2008.

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