Sunday, February 24, 2008

Blogger informs me that this is post #201. Two hundred blatherings about nothing, hopefully in a fashion that puts no one in mind of Seinfeld. Because I hate Seinfeld.

To celebrate, this video about Alan Moore. It's a no-hoper if you're not a comic geek, but really, how many people do I even know who don't have at least a passing relationship with comics? Don't answer that.


Boethius said...

Wait, you hate Seinfeld the dude or the show? Or both?

'col said...

Seinfeld the show. About Seinfeld the dude, I have no strong opinions one way or the other.

Unknown said...

I hate Seinfeld the dudeshow. Two words: Smug Bastard. Actually that's two words. Two more words: Slap Bass.

Unknown said...

When I said 'actually that's two words', that was because I'd originally written 'one word: smug bastard'. Then I changed it. Now *this* is turning into the blog equivalent of a Seinfeld episode.

Boethius said...

Did you ever watch Curb Your Enthusiasm?

'col said...

No, because even the *ads* for Curb Your Enthusiasm set my teeth on edge.

Blogs are often sort of the blog equivalent of a Seinfeld episode. Yet I *like* blogs. Who can explain it?

Unknown said...

Oh, and I met that guy who sing the alan moore song. Can't remember the exact circumstances...think it was on the early days of online chatting and he,me, my brother and a few other music fans met up for a gig in Glasgow. He blogged about not understanding a word we said. Seemed like a decent bloke.