Thursday, February 22, 2007

Do you ever have one of those days when you try on every article of clothing you own in a vain attempt to find an outfit that you both a) feel comfortable in and b) feel cute in? Only to fail miserably, because the problem is, say, your bra? Or your self-image?

Yeah. That.

I've been kicking around this idea for the last few days that I might try to make cinnamon rolls. I blame Robin McKinley's Sunshine. That book makes baking sound like such a good idea. My major issue is that all of the recipes I can come up with for cinnamon rolls seem kind of gross. No, people! Margarine is not an ingredient in any baking that I will ever do! Grumble grumble grumble...


Anonymous said...

Here's the best recipe. Pillsbury!
Or better yet, Cinnabon. Bring em home and warm them in the oven. Then it's almost like you baked them yourself!

'col said...

Dude, have you ever made bread? It's all about the kneading. Therapeutic.

Fie on Pillsbury. Fie on them.

spezbaby said...

baking is good.
i don't do it enough.

any recipe that calls for margarine and not butter should be burned.

'col said...

I agree. Fortunately I found a recipe that calls for something like 1 1/2 cups of butter and a cup of sour cream. That doesn't take into account the cream cheese in the icing...

Tasty, if diabolically bad for you.