Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Lazy loved Pubah and loved loving her...

I just had one of those conversations that you can only have with old friends--I called my friend Pubah in Vancouver and she answered the phone practically falling over from tiredness. "Aw, honey, do you need to go and have dinner and relax?" I said. "I really do tonight," she said, and then asked me how things were on my end anyway. We crammed a couple of important things into five minutes worth of talking and she asked me to suggest that she should just eat and read a book tonight. I told her I thought that was a fabulous idea and that she should consider it a favour to me to take care of herself, since I'm not there to do it. She told me the people who were upsetting me were rat bums. We got off the phone.

It's amazing how many ways you can find to say "I love you" when you know someone well.

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