Tuesday, December 06, 2005

how do I know I'm a nerd, you ask?

"Weather's on."
"Ooh! Weather!"


Jennifer Jane Whiteford said...

Last night I organized my underwear drawer.

Today I ran down the stairs at the bookstore because Rod told me he was going to use our new label printer.

Tonight I got into my pajamas at 7:30 and knit for a few hours.

You are in good company, my dear.


'col said...

They've announced this year's Canada Reads selections, and I was thinking about doing a display with a little sign that said "Like Survivor for geeks" but then it occurred to me that I could offend whole new groups of people who don't know I mean it as a compliment. (Or for that matter, who think that I mean that geeks don't watch Survivor. I have been disabused of this notion by now.)

I like the company I keep.