Wednesday, December 07, 2005

postcards from the edge

Holiday shopping makes me want to throw up. I know, I know, I could make it all less stressful if I just did a little legwork ahead of time, but that would require me to be somebody else. Somebody overprepared for life. [*cough*Jennifer*cough*]

Instead I have the same stupid panic I have every year. 'Tis the season, I suppose.

1 comment:

Spoke said... I heard the average Canadian (whoever that is) will lay out $900 on average, for gifties. YIKES! Makes me wish I was still in school and one of the popular girls...imagine the loot. Wait a tic, I'm a boy child...I say hit the mall at 9:45 pm, grab a strong double espresso, sit on a bench in the center of the mayhem...and cry. Its cheaper.