Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It sparkles!

I keep thinking "I should blog," and then I don't, mostly for the reason that the stuff in my life at the moment is all "I was sitting at the computer and my cat was hovering anxiously in my lap, when I realized I should probably go and pee for the ninth time in the last hour. When I stood up I discovered that one of my legs had gone to sleep and then I had a contraction and had to hold on to a chair to keep from falling over."

Yep. Glamourous.

On the other hand, the internet gave me this.


Seb said...

Seeing as how the Interwebs have been so kind and generous to you, how would you like to join my new Church of the Internet? It'll be like Fonzie's church only better.

'col said...

I can haz interweb churchz?